WP2 Dissemination Leader of the HORIZON Europe project ARISE
ARISE - Advanced AI and RobotIcS for autonomous task pErformance
ARISE project will introduce cutting-edge technologies that revolutionise complex manipulation tasks and redefine the future of automation. Specifically, it will develop reconfigurable pneumatic manipulators, variable-stiffness soft end-effectors, and cutting-edge perception modules. This innovative toolchain, with applications in installation, repair, transplanting, and harvesting tasks in solar and hydroponic farms, promises a transformative leap in the automation landscape. Overall, the project’s comprehensive approach, from hierarchical imitation learning to edge-AI deployment, heralds a new era of efficiency and progress.
ARISE Website: https://arise-robotics.eu/
CORDIS Link of the project: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101135959
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