
Showing posts from 2020

Project Coordinator & Trainer: Managing Diversity in the Workplace

The project: Managing Diversity in the Workplace, Athens, Greece 01/03-01/06/2019   The project with the title “ Managing Diversity in the Workplace ” was based on the “ Diversity 2.0 – An Employers’ Guide “, printed in February 2019 by Gneration 2.0 for rights equality & diversity, with the support of the   European Network Against Racism .  I was responsible together with the other members of the team, for the entire team’s schedule, the project outline, the budget overview, the presentation of the Diversity Guide and the schedule of the trainings that took place in several companies and organisations. I coordinated and facilitated special events and workshops while I effectively discovered, acquired and implemented beneficial non-formal activities for the better understanding of diversity policies an d restrictions on a local level. In general, after delivering the project, I increased partnerships by 60% in first quarter. Using as tools the   active partici...

Project Coordinator: Combating Media Illiteracy

The Project: Combating Media Illiteracy, Elva, Estonia     29/06-16/07/2019 This project aims to spread Media Literacy culture to project coordinators among EU member and neighbouring countries and increase curriculum activities that promote youth participation and quality of youth information by equipping youth project coordinators with practical competences, enabling them to act as multipliers in their society and integrating media literacy in their daily work based on non-formal learning approaches and tasks within the program outline. During the project I developped activties with the other participants and I introduced activities for the program, that promote critical thinking and critical media skills. I encouraged the other youth workers during the project implementation to become active, to engage media consumers, users and disseminators, to increase project activities through promotion of critical thinking among the targeted young people. I used my competences ...

Project Coordinator - Active Citizenship

The Project: Active Citizenship, Rustavi, Georgia 13-21/10/2018 This cross cultural training was focused on how we can create projects based on the legal field, introducing the participants on the different legal systems across the world. During this project I took actions to engage the locals of the city of Rustavi in Georgia and I designed realistic community action plans with achievable outcomes. I made the whole project plan and I overviewed the implementation on the local community. In addition, I was responsible to write engaging content for catalogs and flyers promoting active citizenship .   About the organisation: The International Scout Centre Rustavi (ISCR) The International Scout Centre Rustavi (ISCR) is a project of the The Caucasus Cooperation Foundation for Youth Development CCFYD. CCFYD is a charitable foundation which promotes the holistic development of children and young people on an international level. The focus lies on the southern Caucasus, in particular Ge...

Project Coordinator - Youth empowerment through dance and music

The Project: Youth empowerment through dance and music   24–30/04/2017   The project lead to San Miniato of Italy, 30 participants from 6 different countries to work together in dance and music workshops, with a final show open to the people living in Florence. The aim of this project was to create contact opportunities among youngsters and to stimulate the birth of a common culture.   During the project I was ensuring that a variety of tasks were to be completed ontime, administrative tasks were well coordinated. I helped the team to manage communications on social media and on the radio and in general I overviewed that the team maintains positive relationships. I was the link between all of the memeners of the greek team of my sending organisation and I initiated non-formal and formal talks with other organisations after the program.         After the project I have built on my leadership skills, managing the tasks and team properly. Being adaptable...

Project Coordinator - Enterpreneurship

The Project: Enterpreneurship, Istanbul, Turkey 24-30/09/2019 The aim of the project was to expand our knowledge on how we caan develop our entrepreneurial abilities. We were participants from 7 different countries and we were working together in mixed groups using the Business Model Canvas.   After that, we cooperated to design our brand for selling purposes, using the Business Model Canvas. We prepared the brand and discussed on the marketing strategy , the logo, the design and the special offers to attract more people to buy our product.    I was responsible for the creation of the grapic design, the storytelling for our marketing campaign and the creation of the creative content for the social media. I grew new techniques and devices for designing a project and I was able to deal with the chance and to trade understanding and aptitude in the field of project coordination.   I was encouraging shared comprehension among the participants, through starting intercu...

Project Coordinator - Taking actions through counter narratives

The Project: Taking actions through counter narratives, Daruvar, Croatia 02 –08/02/2018     The aim of this project was to support the development of capacities of project coordinators to counter Hate Speech in all its forms by supporting youth workers/leaders/trainers in development of skills and knowledge about counter and alternative narratives which will be used in their work with organising the program outline for young people.       During this project I learnt how to support the development of competences of youth while managing a project in the field of human rights education, particularly in combating hate speech through counter and alternative narratives. For my project and the tasks that I proposed throughout this workshop, I used the: WE CAN! manual and counter and alternative narratives in my project ideas for young people. You can access to the manual here:   After the project I rais...

Project Coordinator: Basic Synergy Training

 The Project: Basic Synergy Training Adamov 30/05 –08/06/2017 The main topic of the training was education and learning. I was trained to implement education curriculum that motivate ourselves as education coordinators and the others, that motivate the participants and make the education playful and fun experience. The training of basic synergy, or the basic training of synergy? After the approximate twenty years this method is used, it is hard to tell. And actually, does it matter? After thsi training I gave myself the opportunity to think and see the world from a bit different angle.  Throught experiential activities and non-formal methods I discovered the importance of discovering and developpingthe potential of every individual and how through a successful program curriculum can lead the participants to go for their own maximum in life.  My feedback on the training was published on the social media:

Project Coordinator: Building bridges between generations

The Erasmus+ Project: Building bridges between generations,  16-24.09.2017 The project entitled “Building bridges between generations” was composed of 4 youth organisations from Greece, Italia, Slovakia and Portugal and it took place in Teixoso, Covilhã . The main topics of the project were related with intergenerationality , which prepared the participants to better act and cooperate with older people , and also helped our self development . Our activities were based on non-formal methods such as informal discussions, panels, workshops, national evenings, and with interactions in the local community .  Within this project, I planned and coordinated our program outline and its activities.  We visited several local rehabilitation centers and centers for elders in Portugal. Based on non-formal methods I ensured together with my team the implementation of the policies and practises while maintaing the budget overview. I ensured technology is used propery for all operations, ...