Project Coordinator: Combating Media Illiteracy

The Project: Combating Media Illiteracy, Elva, Estonia    


This project aims to spread Media Literacy culture to project coordinators among EU member and neighbouring countries and increase curriculum activities that promote youth participation and quality of youth information by equipping youth project coordinators with practical competences, enabling them to act as multipliers in their society and integrating media literacy in their daily work based on non-formal learning approaches and tasks within the program outline.

During the project I developped activties with the other participants and I introduced activities for the program, that promote critical thinking and critical media skills. I encouraged the other youth workers during the project implementation to become active, to engage media consumers, users and disseminators, to increase project activities through promotion of critical thinking among the targeted young people. I used my competences for multiplying media literacy and I exchanged ideas with other project coordinators from various countries.

At the moment, I am capable of integrating Media Literacy and its tools in my project curriculum.

In addition, I am more capable of facilitating networking and further co-operation between participants and project coordinators in order to promote project activities that can directly relate to the people they interact with.

About the organisation: Tartumaa noortekogu

The youth council stands for the young people of Tartu County at the local, county and national level.


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