Project Coordinator: Building bridges between generations

The Erasmus+ Project: Building bridges between generations, 

The project entitled “Building bridges between generations” was composed of 4 youth organisations from Greece, Italia, Slovakia and Portugal and it took place in Teixoso, Covilhã . The main topics of the project were related with intergenerationality, which prepared the participants to better act and cooperate with older people, and also helped our self development. Our activities were based on non-formal methods such as informal discussions, panels, workshops, national evenings, and with interactions in the local community

Within this project, I planned and coordinated our program outline and its activities. 

We visited several local rehabilitation centers and centers for elders in Portugal. Based on non-formal methods I ensured together with my team the implementation of the policies and practises while maintaing the budget overview. I ensured technology is used propery for all operations, I prepared the paperwork and all the material and in general I was responsible to keep a track on the agenda and the meetings.

Ensuring implementation of policies and practices
Ensuring implementation of policies and practices
Planning and coordination of a program and its activities

In addition, I supported the environmental activities held in Teixoso concerning grapes and vineyards. Grapes are an important part of the diverse agricultural landscape of Portugal. Covering a whole workshop about sustainability, agriculture in Europe and agricultural lands, we undrestood that advanced environmentally-sound farming practices on millions of additional acres supported thousands of farm families.


Coming back to Greece, I shared the effects of our work with educational institutions, other NGOs, partner organisations, local authorities and with other local organizations. In the long term I used the skills and knowledge gained to work in Greeec for our organisations but also in my private and professional life contributing to a better future and a better cooperation with the EU.

About the organisation: Associacao Cultural e Desportiva Jovem Teixo
It is a non profit organisation in Teixoso, Covilhã founded in 1998.


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