Project Coordinator - Enterpreneurship

The Project: Enterpreneurship, Istanbul, Turkey


The aim of the project was to expand our knowledge on how we caan develop our entrepreneurial abilities. We were participants from 7 different countries and we were working together in mixed groups using the Business Model Canvas.  
After that, we cooperated to design our brand for selling purposes, using the Business Model Canvas. We prepared the brand and discussed on the marketing strategy, the logo, the design and the special offers to attract more people to buy our product. 
I was responsible for the creation of the grapic design, the storytelling for our marketing campaign and the creation of the creative content for the social media. I grew new techniques and devices for designing a project and I was able to deal with the chance and to trade understanding and aptitude in the field of project coordination.
I was encouraging shared comprehension among the participants, through starting intercultural exchange among them and normal transnational tasks.
During this project I had a real experience of how the different business markets on several countries work. I was searching for the best way to create, approve and execute social entrepreneurial activities and undertakings and I was responsible to investigate viable methods for supporting projects set up, mulling over legitimate, budgetary, administration and social prerequisites.


About the organisation: Youth Studies Association (GENCA)

Youth Studies Association (GENCA) activates youth work through cultural, artistic and sports activities, informing young people, advocating youth, protecting, protecting, promoting and developing youth rights. It was established on July 18, 2014.


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